Pictured: Harvester Jason Jarvis of Westerly, RI holds two green crabs


US Green Crab Retailers & Wholesalers

Green crabs may only be available at these retailers upon request.


US Green Crab Harvesters

*Harvesters may not be trapping green crabs year-round, please note green crabs cannot be sold for consumption as food in Canada. Some of these harvesters are licensed to sell direct to restaurants.

  • New London: Peter Eshenfelder - (860) 460-0561

  • Boothbay: Jesse Roche -jesseroche1975@yahoo.com

    Georgetown: Chris Jamison - csjamison@comcast.net

    Freeport: Greg Foote - gregfoote05@gmail.com

    Friendship: Adrian Phaenephom - adrianphaenephom5@gmail.com - 207-790-4183

    Ogunquit: Everett Leach - (207) 608 - 1163

    Owl’s Head: John Painter, Maine Green Crabs

    Pembroke: Timothy Sheehan, Gulf of Maine Inc. - (207) 726-4620

    Rockland: Michael Kelley - michaelkelley524@gmail.com

    South Portland: Evan Montellese/ Tide Minded - (207) 210-4758 - tideminded@gmail.com

    York: Southern Maine Sustainable Shellfish/ Michael Masi - mmasi.smss@gmail.com

  • Barnstable: Anthony Day - (774)-239-1599

    Boston: Chuck DiStefano - (617) 365 - 8610

    Chatham & Boston:Green Crab Nation

    Duxbury, Kingston, Plymouth: Jeff Ladd - 508 409 8428

    Marshfield: Pete Mason - (508) 269-8046 - pmkestrel@gmail.com

    Plymouth: Nick Buonvicino - (339) 933-2101

    Rowley, Ipswich, Essex, Gloucester: Zack Appeltofft - (978) 380 - 4979

    Rowley: Brenden Doyle (bdoyle@thegreatmarshshellfishco.com)

    Wareham: Rob Minichiello - (617) 334-5936 - fvmollyjean@gmail.com

  • Matt Krajewski: 860-424-1933, jaclynnleefisheries@gmail.com

    Nicole FelDotto: thatsaltyblonde7@gmail.com

  • Block Island: Oyster Wench

    Point Judith: Sarah Schumann - schumannsarah@gmail.com

    Westerly: Jason Jarvis - buddhajay108@yahoo.com


CA Green Crab Harvesters

Please note green crabs cannot be sold for consumption as food in Canada at this time

  • Port Aux Choix: Donald Spence Fisheries: spencehunter465@gmail.com, 1-709-861-7634

  • Arichat: Brandon Boudreau - brandonboudreau100@hotmail.com - 1 902 631 4993

    Louisdale: Colin Sampson - KTFisheries@outlook.com - 902-623-1693

    Louisdale: John Burt - johnburt95@outlook.com - 9026230645

    Mahone Bay: Logan Fralic - lfralic1@gmail.com

    St. Margarets Bay: Stone Harnish (902) 719-8258, stone_harnish@hotmail.com

Learn More About these Harvesters:

Michael Masi & Sam Sewall

The duo from York, Maine has been harvesting green crabs, molting soft-shells, and collaborating with organizations such as Khmer Maine.

Jason Jarvis

Jason Jarvis of Westerly, RI serves as Board President of the Northwest Atlantic Marine Alliance, harvests green crabs, and owns Fresh Harvest Kitchen. Photo by Behan Photography - NAMA.

Nicole FelDotto

The NH-based harvester is best known for her page @thatsaltyblonde where she can be seen harvesting green crabs throughout the year, including to restaurants like Tino’s.