Caviar/Masinette: Seasonally available (often in the Fall), shucked from only female crabs
Soft-Shell Crab/Moeche: Seasonally available (often in the Spring/Summer)
Stock & Broth: Can be prepared year-round
Meat/Hard-Shell Recipes: Can be prepared year-round
Some of these recipes call for picking apart and preparing live crabs. To make the process easier, try freezing the crabs for at least 2 hours or until the crabs are completely still.
We recommend wearing gloves when sorting green crabs. You’ll avoid getting pinched and have an easier time picking up crabs.
No gloves? Hold the crab with two fingers firmly on the outer points of the carapace to prevent a pinch.
Always thoroughly rinse hard-shell crabs prior to cooking.
To learn how to freeze and trim soft-shell green crabs, see our guide. For soft-shell green crabs, trimming is an optional step.
Green crabs can survive for weeks out of the water so proper storage and containment are very important. To prevent escape & possible reintroduction, ensure they are stored in a sturdy container with air holes. A crab basket, burlap sack, oyster mesh bag, or plastic storage container with holes will work well.
Keep crabs in the fridge or comparably cool space and use them within 1 week.
If purchasing directly from a fisherman, ensure your green crabs aren’t stored with other species or fish racks.
Whole Hard-Shell Green Crabs: Wash crabs well before freezing and dry. Remove as much air as possible or vacuum seal in a plastic bag. Freeze for up to 3 months.
Roe: After steaming and shucking the roe, freeze in an airtight container for up to 3 months. We recommend making a ball out of the roe and twisting plastic wrap around the ball to minimize air pockets.
Stock: Store in an airtight container for up to 3 months. We recommend freeing the stock in deli containers or aliquoting portions into an ice mold to use in smaller portions.
Soft-Shell Green Crabs: See our guide.