Nantucket Green Crab Week

This July, Nantucket Land Council and Maria Mitchell Association hosted their second annual Green Crab Week. The week included a composting workshop, Green Crab identification session, and a cooking demonstration by Director Mary Parks. Nantucket Land Council works to remove green crabs year-round and studies their populations in partnership with local researchers. 

Green Crab Cooking Demo

On July 15th, Director Mary Parks hosted a cooking workshop with Nantucket Land Council where she cooked green crab and mushroom risotto with green crab broth. You can stream this cooking demo below or view the recipe here


Composting Workshop

Did you know that green crabs make fantastic compost? On July 14th, Nantucket Land Council Resource Ecologist and Sustainable Nantucket hosted a green crab composting demonstration and taught participants how to create their own stabilized green crab compost. The process begins with mashing green crabs to a pulp (just like wine-making), extracting the juices, then adding a combination of vinegar and water which results in a stabilized compost liquid. 


Green Crabs at the Beach


Green Crabs According to 44 Home Cooks